So here's the thing, I've never flown before.  However I really really wanted to go to Asia. As you all know there is really only one practical way to get there.....flying.  So i decided "what better time is there to have my first flight".  I definitely did not know what i was sighing up for.   So on the 29th of April I had to be in Greenwood at 6:00 am and keep in mind that i live about an hour or so away from Greenwood. I got absolutely no sleep the night before because I was up packing. After we all arrived and said our goodbyes to our family and friends we take off on the Lander shuttle bus and drive to Atlanta.  And of course I would be the one person to realize she left something in her parents car.  So we had to pull over and wait for my parents to meet us, what a great way to start off a trip, but luckily we were still in greenwood so we did not have to wait for long.  It took us 2 to 3 hours to get to the Atlanta airport.  Everything went smoothly ,for the most part, when we were there.  We had a hour or so  before we had to board the plan so we walked around ad got something to eat.  This airport reminded me of a mall it had so many things in it.  The one thing that i liked the most was the subway train they had inside.  Since the airport is so big they have there own subway for you to get on to take you to where you need to go.  Which I thought was pretty cool.  We flew with Korea Air and they have the best stewardess ever, granted this was my one and only experience, but however they were very nice and very cute. We were giving two meals and a couple of different snacks and drinks.  Which were all good.  There was some turbulence but it didnt really bother me.  The one part that I was slightly nervous about was the landing.  It wasn't that bad though.  So overall this was a pretty good first experience, no crazy crying babies, no rude neighbors, and I had a window seat which I much enjoyed.  Oh, the one thing I forgot to mention was that this flight was almost 15 hours long, no layovers!!!! To keep my self occupied I slept, read, eat, slept, watched a movie, listen to some music, eat, slept, read, watch another movie or show, and looked out the window.  

Tony Ballenger
5/2/2012 06:29:08 am

I'm so proud to see you having this trip. There was no was I we were not going to see you not go. I hope the earphones helped with the movie and music. :) We love you and we are praying for a safe trip and adventure. WOW my daughter is in Asia. Fantastic!!!

Pearlene Ballenger
5/2/2012 07:43:04 am

My little girl is all grown up and flying out of the country. I am very very proud of you, for all the things that you have done. You knew from the moment you heard about the trip to Asia that you would be going. Enjoy your classes and have a great time touring the country. We look forward to all the photos and stories when you get back home. We are so blessed to have you in our lives and we love you so much be safe!

Marshall Drayton
5/6/2012 10:09:41 am

So happy for you. Most people go a lifetime without ever approaching their dreams, yet here you are. Be safe, hugs and kisses :D...


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