So today was my third day in Korea and it has all be so great and surreal. We ate breakfast and then we walked to the conference room on the other side of campus.  Today we had our presentations so we had to look nice and dressed up.  This time i wore my on clothes instead of Ashlins lol.  My presentation was on what there is to do when the students come to study at Lander University.  I was nervous about mine because I thought it wasnt good enough, but it actually went pretty well.  Mine was within the time limit and explain what it needed to.  Everyone did a really great job and the students seemed to enjoy them.  We ate lunch in the teachers cafeteria.  Which was interesting because our teacher just eat with everyone else they dont have there own place.  The special for today was some kind of seafood pot thing.  It had all types of different seafood in it. There was even some baby octopuses in the soup.  I tried one and it wasn't as bad as you would imagine, just a little chewy.  After we ate we were able to sit in on one of the classes.  This class was spoke in English so we actually knew what was going on.  As far as the class went it was your basic lecture class, not much difference from america.  The only that might of been different was that the communication was mostly one way.  The students did not ask many questions or really say anything but this was a graduate class so that could be normal.  After this  we listened to SarahAnn Sutter make a presentation on being a foreigner in Korea.  She is a professor who is teaching english at the university.  She had a nice presentation.  It was a little long but it had a lot of information in it.  After SarahAnn we listened to our "Korean Buddies" give some presentations about the university and Korea.  They did a very good job as well.  The highlight of the day was when we got to go to Korean family's house to eat dinner.  The ten of us were spit into pairs of two and sent off with a family to eat for the night.  I believe Ivy and I had the best time out of all the groups.  Jenny is a student at the university and also one of our buddies.  Her mom cooked for us and it was amazing!!!!!  Probably one of the best meals I will have in Korea.  Also her friend stopped by and played a traditional Korean instrument for us.  She was really good.  After we ate Jenny and her dad took us back to the guest house.  Event though the beginning of the day was a little stiff, the night ended perfectly. 

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